Frequently Asked Questions


Q:  What is NVIAC's Purpose?

Q:  How does my school or team join NVIAC?

Q:  What schools make up the NVIAC?

Q:  To whom do we address concerns, compliments or complaints?


Q:  NVIAC Health Attendance Guidance (COVID-19, etc.)

Q:  Reporting Scores

Q:  How to report Volleyball match results?

Q:  How do I change a score I submitted previously?

Q:  What is the All-League Player program?

Q:  What are the NVIAC Constitution and Procedure Manual?

Q:  What is the NVIAC Code of Conduct?

Q:  What is the Best Christlike Character Award and trophy?

Q:  What is the latest guidance on Concussion injuries?

Q:  What rules govern NVIAC play?

Q:  What are the rules and guidance for NVIAC Flag Football?

Q:  What are the ages and grades for Middle School and Varsity team?

Q:  Can a soccer player play in the next game if he or she gets a red card?

Q:  What are NVIAC health requirements (forms, shots, screenings) for participation?

Q:  Where can I find the Tournament Winners?


Q:  Where can I find a list of all games played?

Q:  How can I view the NVIAC pages on my smartphone?

Q:  How does the site work?


Q:  What is NVIAC's Purpose? (Updated: 5/1/23 2:37 pm)

A:  From the NVIAC Constitution ARTICLE I - BACKGROUND, Section 2: To bring glory to Jesus Christ. The member schools of the NVIAC, realizing the benefits that occur for our students from uniting in our athletic goals, shall strive to promote and administer athletic competition which will enhance the development of our students and the relationships of the member schools.

Q:  How does my school or team join NVIAC? (Updated: 5/1/23 2:36 pm)

A:  Click for guidance on joining NVIAC.

Q:  What schools make up the NVIAC? (Updated: 5/1/23 2:38 pm)

A:  The current member list is here.

Q:  To whom do we address concerns, compliments or complaints? (Updated: 5/1/23 2:39 pm)

A:  Feedback is always welcome, as the NVIAC organization seeks to improve its practices so that we can do even more to bring glory to Jesus Christ. If you have feedback of any kind, your first point of contact is your organization's coach or Athletic Director (AD).

(NOTE: If the feedback involves the website, please send your email to If the matter needs to be referred to the Executive Board, the webmaster will do so and let you know). If you are not satisfied with the results, there are steps to take in resolving conflicts in the NVIAC Procedure Manual, Article I, Section 2.

Finally, if you wish to personally contact the President of NVIAC, click on the Contact Us link and find the email address for your specific comment or question. You can send to the President, the Statistician, or the Webmaster. Again, please contact your AD before sending NVIAC issues to the President.


Q:  NVIAC Health Attendance Guidance (COVID-19, etc.) (Updated: 9/13/24 2:33 am)

A:  Specific policies vary by school/team. Please contact your Athletic Director to see what rules apply for sports attendance.

Q:  Reporting Scores (Updated: 5/1/23 2:39 pm)

A:  All season AND tournament games played must be reported to the Statistician within 24 hours of the play, using the Submit Scores page. The link is on the home page and at the top of the Members page, or on the mobile phone page.
This is a quick and easy way to submit scores (from a phone, for example) and it automatically notifies the opposing AD of the report.

Q:  How to report Volleyball match results? (Updated: 10/27/21 6:04 am)

A:  Volleyball match scores are reported as game summaries: 2-0, 3-1, 3-2, etc. Please put the game scores in the Remarks block, match victor score first (25-15, 13-25, 15-12, for example). It will show on the respective statistics page for future reference.

Q:  How do I change a score I submitted previously? (Updated: 10/27/21 6:04 am)

A:  Anytime you need to correct a score, you can do it quickly and easily any time of the day: Just submit a new online score report, with the corrected score, and put the word Corrected in the Remarks field -- there's room there, even if you have other remarks. This will prompt the Statistician to correct the score instead of entering it as a new game. This has the added benefit of keeping the reporting (and a permanent record) in the Online Score Reporting System and minimizes dependence on other, multiple systems (e.g., email, texts, word-of-mouth).

Q:  What is the All-League Player program? (Updated: 5/1/23 2:39 pm)

A:  The current All-League Players listing is an opportunity for a School or Team To honor players who have performed the best during each season, players will be chosen for All League Award in accordance with the NVIAC Procedure Manual

Q:  What are the NVIAC Constitution and Procedure Manual? (Updated: 10/27/21 6:04 am)

A:  The Procedure Manual provides more dynamic procedures to augment expand on the basic guidance in the Constitution. See the NVIAC Constitution, ARTICLE I - BACKGROUND, Section 1 - PURPOSE.
PRECEDENCE: The NVIAC is governed by the provisions contained in this Constitution, NVIAC Procedure Manual, and NVIAC minutes approved by the Governing Body. If a conflict arises, the precedence will be the Constitution, Procedure Manual, and NVIAC Minutes, in that order.

Q:  What is the NVIAC Code of Conduct? (Updated: 9/13/24 2:35 am)

A:  Every player, coach, assistant, and parent must sign the NVIAC Code of Conduct form that is on the NVIAC forms page.

Q:  What is the Best Christlike Character Award and trophy? (Updated: 9/13/24 2:43 am)

A:  Each season, the Best Christlike Character Award (see the NVIAC Constitution, Article V, Section 11-c) is determined by an assessment of a school's whole attitude: players, coaches, and fans. Athletic Directors (or their representatives) from teams participating in regular-season play will cast one vote at the end of regular-season play to elect the team for The Best Christlike Character Award. The Best Christlike Character trophy will be the same size as the First Place trophy.
NOTE: For coaches, there's an aid for keeping track of the their evaluations of teams as they play: the Christlike Character Sportsmanship Evaluation Sheet spreadsheet can be downloaded from the NVIAC Forms page

Q:  What is the latest guidance on Concussion injuries? (Updated: 10/27/21 6:03 am)

A:  Please see the NFHS Training Site. Click here to go there.

Q:  What rules govern NVIAC play? (Updated: 5/1/23 2:39 pm)

A:  The rules are detailed in the NVIAC Procedure Manual, Article VI.

Q:  What are the rules and guidance for NVIAC Flag Football? (Updated: 5/1/23 2:40 pm)

A:  The i9 Sports rules govern the play, with NVIAC modifications. The complete set of NVIAC Flag Football rules are available in the NVIAC Flag Football Rules. This Addendum is also referenced in the NVIAC Procedure Manual, Article 6, Section 6.

Q:  What are the ages and grades for Middle School and Varsity team? (Updated: 10/27/21 6:03 am)

A:  Please see the NVIAC Constitution, Article V, General Rules, Sections 4 and 6, and Article VII, Definitions, paragraphs a and b for details, but briefly, the eligibility requirements -- for homeschoolers in particular -- are these: "students planning to graduate within the next four years are not eligible to play on MS teams". Middle School players are 8th grade and below (5th graders okay if the school wants to do that) -- no 9th graders can play on a Middle School team.

Q:  Can a soccer player play in the next game if he or she gets a red card? (Updated: 11/16/22 9:29 pm)

A:  A yellow card is often given for aggressive play. Two yellows equals a Red card (lite).
A red card if often given for very aggressive play and usually results in ejection.
If a player gets a Red card ("lite"), they do not necessarily have to sit out the next league game.
If a player gets a Red card, they cannot play in the very next NVIAC League game. If tournament play is next game, they miss that tournament game. See the NVIAC Procedure Manual, ARTICLE VI - NVIAC SANCTIONED SPORTS AND GAME RULES, Section 3-a-6.

Q:  What are NVIAC health requirements (forms, shots, screenings) for participation? (Updated: 6/18/19 7:37 pm)

A:  NVIAC does not have specific health requirements for athletes. We leave this to individual schools Most schools have a requirement of a yearly physical and a medical release form signed by the parents, but nothing is tracked by NVIAC, so participating teams can make their own determination on health requirements for athletes.

Q:  Where can I find the Tournament Winners? (Updated: 5/1/23 2:40 pm)

A:  Open the Tournament page and click on the Tournament Winners Summary link. You can choose by team or years.


Q:  Where can I find a list of all games played? (Updated: 11/2/21 7:10 am)

A:  Click on the Standings Menu option and scroll to the bottom for a list of all games played by this League Division. List of games played
This table is sortable -- click on any column heading to sort on that column. While you can verify the games on the Standings grid at the top of the page, you can get a vertical list of games played in this table -- it may make it easier to search for a missing game. First click on the W column and check off the games on the team's list of games won. Then click on the L column and check off the games on the team's list of games lost.

Q:  How can I view the NVIAC pages on my smartphone? (Updated: 11/13/23 10:00 pm)

A:  Click to see the Smart Phone access information on the NVIAC help page.

Q:  How does the site work? (Updated: 11/13/23 10:00 pm)

A:  Extensive help is available. Please choose About NVIAC-Help to open the NVIAC website Help Page.







































Copyright NVIAC © 2008-2024  

"NVIAC's purpose is to bring glory to Jesus Christ."